eid mubarak(:

at last,we meet again deary SYAWAL !
i want to wish all of you;
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir & Batin
may all of you have a blast on this eid(:
that's all for now,
till the next post..


master of ceremony(:

hello,,hye everybody(:
it's almost the end of Ramadan right ?
rase kjap gler enn..
xrase sngt pown pose taun ney..hehe
okeoke..now kite ad story;DD
"na,get ready taw..nnty kite jdk mc fr this friday
rase mcm mau tercabot jntng bler dnga afia ckp cm2..
tpy,xbole tpu laa..mmg na excited pown
but,cuak+sesak+gelabah pown ad jugak
haaah !
first time kowwt !
so,na ng fia pown get ready laa fr the event,,
mmg bnyk kali laa xmsok klas untk prepare fr mnde ney
sorry teachers:(
na and fia prepare speech with the helps of bynk ckgu jugak laa
kteowg pown practise,practise and practise !
the big day;
oke,,pgey tuwh rase excited gler..sbb mau balek raye;DD
pgey tuwh pgy sahor with the whole ahli dorm*almost
best !
tpy,suda stat cuak..sbb event tuwh..huhu
hope glew evrythng gonna be oke..
cuak glew kowwt~
pgey tuwh na ng fia pkai bju the mariams=)
7 o'clock in the morning
kami gerak pg dema and the job begin
practise fr the last time,,
and then..my strengths come=)
first,na ng fia dpt good luck note from our beloved mariam=)
*mar, i love you
then, the butterfly come and give spirit for me(:
*thnkyou maa
next, a lot of people ckp good luck kt both of us..stat dr kt aspuri lg
*terima kaseh=')
and at last, my one dtng;
ddk dkt tngkp kt blkng..bg spirit and strength=)
*na syg efan<3
after that,the event start
everything flow smoothly(:
praise to Allah
im very satisfied with our work(:
good job guys !
keep up the great work(:
that's all fr now..
till the next post..


operate katak*

lame xupdate enn..
well,ad bnyk cter mau stry act,,tpy maleh mau type..hehe
but,nw na ad cter mau stry and na rajen mau type..haha
last wednesday;
kteowg bwt exprmnt bedah KATAK !
one of the thing that i HATE !
tpy,,kene laa bwt jugak enn..hehe
so,the night bfore..bdak" ney pgy laa mmburu katak..
hasil titik peluh mereka..dpt laa 5 ekor katak !
oke,,next day..tga" bwt cmpound tetibe bdak" ney tron
plek jugak mule"..lpas tuwh baru laa taw yg katak kteowg suda syahid sebelom masenye
haah !
ceyyt..kene crik again laa
kteowg pown crik laa..
tpy,katak" ney cm taw" jew ajal daa nk smpai..menyorok plak
so,kteowg amek bdak laki punye jewlaa..

oke..mule" cm gabra laa jugak
tpy,bwt" brani jewlaa enn
first of all,ckgu soh amek katak dulu
na geli ouuhh mau pegang
so,atikah yg pegangkn
then,ckgu demo dulu...pas2 bwu kteowg bwt
seram jugak laa tyme tgk ckgu bwt tuwh
tpy,bler kteowg bwt;
syok habess laa..hehe
i manage to face one of my fear !
yeaayy me(:
mmg dpt new experience laa enn
rase cm mau buat ag skali jew..hehe
thats all..
till next post..