the tenth(:

long time no see you,dear baby blog
hehe. .
for how long xupdate ini blog..tgk,daa ad spider web laa
now,mau story satu due cerita;
ceritera pertama;
kejohanan hoki at Stadium Jalan Duta
*okay..market ckit..haha
bape ary bulan nth..oke xingt daa bler
ten girls of SEMESTA represent the school in a hockey game at Gombak
*including me(:
praise to Allah,we got second place=)
great memory&new experience i guess 
ceritera kedua;
our beloved principle had retired
and now,Mr.Shahadan will be the
pemangku pengetuaX)
and,mase mjlis tuwh..i be the conductor for ucapan berirama
praise to the Almighty,everything went smoothly=)
wonderful memory&new experience for me
ceritera ketiga;
B.A.N.D.U.N.G !
i'm not the one who went to Bandung..haha
but,most of my sayangs did
congrats !
praise to Allah,they arrived Malaysia safe&sound=)
sweet memory for all of you
ceritera keempat;
the sun&star are joining back together<3
ouuhh..i love the both of you
hey sun,jge cucu sye elok" taw
nnty grandma&grandpa dy mara
praise to the Almighty,i can see the happiness in their smile now=)
beautiful memory for you guys to hold on too
ceritera kelima;
i'm hurting;(
haah..i lost the friendship ?
it's awkward to see you walk with other
yeaahh..people come and go huh ?
will you come back to me then ?
questions with no answer !
praise to Allah,i am nearer to Him after the test He give
any memory ?;(
ceritera keenam;
busy ?
huussshh..i gues so
i'm not comfortable yet
but,i'll try my best
right,khairul anuar ?
praise to the Almighty,He gave me a great partner
new memory on-the-way;)
ceritera ketujuh;
Puah Latifah Affendi
our great mom
Allah loves her more than us
may she rest in peace at there
praise to Allah,He heard our pray
huge memory to remember:)
ceritera ketujuh;
sijil pelajaran malaysia
less than a month huh ?
just round the corner..
ready honey ?
i"ll pray for you=')
praise to the Almighty,he improve a lot now
create the sweet memory okay ?;)
ceritera kelapan;
almost the end of the year
going to miss most of the people in school 
jamuan balas;
going to miss that !
praise to Allah,i'm closer to my kakak dorm now
fine memory to cherish(:
ceritera kesembilan;
the final examination 
five paper done already
physic,chemistry,biology,additional mathematics on-the-way
pray fr my success !
praise to the Almighty,i'm more confident now
becoming wonderful memory =)
ceritera kesepuluh;
haaah !
dear family&friends;
i love you for the whole
may Allah always bless all of you
that's all for now
'till the next post:)